Is your organisation focused on managing change? Working with others and hearing all the views including the quite voices opens the doorway to insights that could save you time and effort by bringing your whole team along with you. Read more about CoResolve and Deep Democracy.

Read more…because YOU’RE worth it!

Take a look at the Utilities CEO Forum where the Deep Democracy facilitation tools will be used to open up conversation and dialogue using the unique Deep Democracy Myrna Lewis Method. Cape Town on the 15th and 16th May 2018

Discover skills that will help you improve the quality of your relationships, deepen your inner peace, and increase your contribution in the world.

Join us to be part of a compassionate community learning together how to speak from the heart; practice deep, nonjudgmental listening; and build self-empowerment from the inside out…

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This event is a 9-day “immersion experience” in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) led by a team of experienced CNVC certified trainers.