Working with Team Dynamics

Team Dynamics

One Depends on Many and Many Depend on One

Working with people and systems is a daily reality in most of our lives.

Having the practical skills to recognise what is happening with someone or a team, collectively making decisions and managing conflict are visible skills that demonstrate our ability to lead collaboratively.

This business is licensed to facilitate, train, coach and supervise the CoResolve program for leaders and the Deep Democracy program for Facilitators and Change Agents.

Take a look at this book for more information:

Inside the NO, Five Steps to Decisions That Last, Myrna Lewis with Jennifer Woodhul

In the crucible of South Africa’s deliverance from apartheid , Myrna Lewis and her late husband , Greg, adopted Arnold Mindell’s Deep Democracy methodology to create a powerful set of decision making and conflict resolution tools. Those techniques are transforming corporations, organisations, schools , families , relationships, and lives all over the world.

Inside the NO is a clear , step by step guide to using Deep Democracy in your own world. You’ll learn how to:

  • Make difficult decisions in surprising new ways
  • Achieve 100% buy-in
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Read the dynamics affecting group interactions
  • Uncover inner resources you never knew you had
  • Deepen relationships
  • Inspire participation from everyone in your group
  • Gain the hidden wisdom of the minority
  • Bring new creativity into your business, family, and social circle

Copyright© 2008 in published edition: Myrna Lewis

Copyright© 2008 in text: Myrna Lewis

ISBD 978 0 620 41680 1

 Debbie Donaldson: Certified Integral Coach, Meta-Coach, Deep Democracy – Facilitator, Trainer and Coach.